How to Celebrate First Wedding Anniversary Unromantic?

At first, I didn’t think that too many things would change once we got married. I expect that there would be changes, but not A LOT. We’ve been together for more or less three years before we tied the knot. We pretty much know each other too well already that almost all of the annoying things about each other turned out to be funny already.

However, as what they always say, you will never really fully know a person. In every single day of a married life, there will always be something new that you will discover about your partner.

Marriage is a continuous discovery. And when you two decided and signed to be together for the rest of your life, somehow, you have signed and promised to God too that no matter how bad your discoveries are about your partner, you will still accept him and love him no matter what.
Since we got married, we have been fighting about differences in personalities, needs, and expectations. We are also being mean to each other and saying things to each other we would not have dreamed about while we were dating. We fight a lot but we still laugh a lot.

We had a tough first year. But for some reason, we felt that our first year of marriage hasn’t been that hard and traumatizing because we have a lot of people who supported and guided us during our first year as husband and wife. So instead of celebrating our first year of marriage alone, we have decided to have an anniversary party.

Having an anniversary party might seem like the least romantic idea, but it’s an especially great one, most importantly if you’re celebrating it with the people you have the strongest bond with. Celebrating our anniversary with close family and friends is a way for us to thank them for their help and support during our first year as husband and wife.

To all of you who have been part of our journey, thank you and we love you very much! ❤ Teng and Kim